Aibo To Be Discontinued

This letter, announcing the end of AIBO production, was sent out to AIBO owners on the 26th January 2006…

Dear AIBO enthusiast
Thank you very much for your patronage of AIBO and the European AIBO website.
Following the Sony Corporation FY05 3Q announcement, the production of AIBO Entertainment Robots will be discontinued as of end March 2006. As for the sales activity, we will discontinue the sales of AIBO once all remaining stock runs out.
For some product accessories such as the battery, we will have stock available for sale through retail after April 2006. After this retail stock runs out, these product accessories will continue to be available from the AIBO Clinic customer support centre.
The last set of AIBO Custom Datas for AIBO ERS-7M3 will be launched in March 2006. The download service on will continue after April 2006 for these new downloads as well as all existing AIBO Custom Data and other AIBO software. In addition the user guides library (documents available in PDF format) will also remain available.
The AIBO Clinic customer support centre activity will continue for the time period promised after product discontinuation. Please refer to the product user guide.
Thank you for your understanding.
Sony Entertainment Robot Europe

This meant that after 7 years of production, plus many more of original research, the life of the AIBO was to come to an end.